Monday, November 15, 2010

decisions decisions decisions...

I'm sure you expected a post heavy with seriousness, & dripping with drama.

but the fact is, 
I'm in the market for a 
new pair of rain boots.

and the decisions are driving me bonkers.

any advice would be greatly appreciated.

happy monday, friends


  1. i choose the turtle or the whale ones!! x-men ones would be better though

  2. haha! Remember that day in Russian class when we discovered we both were in love with xmen, and could sing the theme song flawlessly? Remember? Me too. I miss you, alyssa.
    you're number one.

  3. Don't the have a pair with pugs on it :)?!

  4. The black white and yellow ones! They'll match with the most things I think. I liked the dark blue ones with birds.. but then they started looking like play boy bunnies to me haha.. You'll rock any boots you decide on. good luck!

  5. I love them all, but I think I'm fond of the black white and yellow ones as well!! :)

  6. I like the black and white with yellow detail. I have recently found myself looking around for a pair that catches my fancy... so far theres these...

  7. I have to say that although I would love to be totally different, I really like the black and yellow ones as well. They look like they would be good for spring, fall and winter. But whatever ones you get will be fabulous because they are on you! Be sure to put up some pics!

  8. I like the turtles and the whales =]

  9. thanks for the input, my lovelies. I just heart you guys.

    ps- Fee, it's so funny you would ask, I already have a pair of pink boots with puppies on them!We must be kindred spirits! C:
