Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I got to see a darling dancer friend of mine. Gid and I were lucky enough to have her in our tiny little home overnight. I was so sad when I got back from work and the blow up mattress was put away neatly by my sweet husband. I love having friends visit. Hint.

Anyway, I just loved catching up with her; learning about what is going on in her life. Part of me just envies friends who have graduated college and are single (such as this friend). She kept saying things like, "I don't know what to do!" I, {trying not to exclaim} would say, "Anything you want! The world is at your feet! There's grad school, traveling, internships, classes, interesting jobs to apply for, family to visit! See the world! You can do anything you want!!" Of course, I know if I were in her shoes, I'd be asking the same questions. It's so easy to think that you'd know exactly what to do if you were in someone else's situation, isn't it?

I've convinced myself that if I were single I would be doing something really extraordinary; serving a mission, living in some faraway land, or performing on some stage. And I've managed to convince myself of these things without explaining how exactly I would do it. How would I pay for it? How would I plan for it?
How would I have the courage to do it all by myself?

For some reason, since I've gotten married, I've felt limited to my options. Obviously, things change when you get married; instead of one schedule you have to juggle two, there's twice as much food to be made, and twice as much laundry to be cleaned. (There's a little more to it than just that.) But that shouldn't change your ambitions, right? I don't think so. It shouldn't keep you from taking life in a huge breath and letting it fill you completely.

I've decided that it's best to make whatever life you live an adventure regardless if you're living in boise idaho, and not traveling around the world.

I've also decided that in heaven, I'll be able to travel all over the world, and it won't cost as much. But when I look back on this life, I hope I see myself doing ordinary things in an extraordinary way.

Let's make a pact to live life with ambition and excitement wherever we are friends, ok? Ok.

I think that would truly be extraordinary.


  1. :) I feel famous! Just so you know, I really felt empowered a little bit by what you suggested... I wondered why no one ever prepared me for that... I feel like in church they've really only expected or told us or let us believe our goals are to only be married and have kids... so I never really thought outside of that realm... so I decided to ask all of my EFY girls what their goals are and hopefully I can help them feel more ambitious and have awesome goals like you!

    Thank you again, not only for having me over and making me feel so special, but for helping me realize that there are so many wonderful things I can do and I just need to decide what I want to do and go do it!!

  2. i love this alyssa! i have thought the exact same things also. i read an article once that said choices dont limit options, they just change them. stay ambitious and you too can do whatever you want to do in some extrordinary way :)
