Sunday, April 8, 2012

dear pen pal,

Hi. I miss you so bad. 
Your unexpected letter couldn't have come at a better time. 
A wave of memories swept by me as I read your sweet thought-out words. 

Remember that time you kidnapped me and took me out for a snow cone?
I'd had the worst day ever, and you rescued me from a self pity party in my apartment. 
(I throw the worst pity parties...)

So many good memories with you, sweet friend. FHEs.
Lunch dates. Bike rides. Walks.

Remember how we'd meet up to exercise (but then we'd just end up sitting and talking instead)?
Me too. Those were the best work outs. :)

By the way, I think your idea of being pen pals is super.
I'm actually writing you a letter today.
It probably won't make it to the post office for a ridiculous amount of time because I'm a crazy person and I'm trying to not die this semester.

Just a heads up. 
If it is late (which I'm promising myself right now it better not be) 
please know it is because I'm a crazy person, not because I don't love you like crazy...

Did I mention I miss you? You were my very best friend in boise. 
I don't care how far apart we end up- you're a kindred spirit forever.

Tell your boys I say hi. (Especially the little chunky one...)

1 comment:

  1. I love this, and I love you! I'm glad my letter brightened your day, I promise the next one will be better. Hope you are still surviving! You are amazing, you can do it!
