I was terrified. Terrified I wouldn't be good enough. Terrified to move to utah. Terrified of living in an apartment smaller than our last one. You know- its funny. Not a whole lot has actually changed. I still have days where I feel like the worst dancer ever. I still get super annoyed by lame utah drivers. And sometimes I have to go outside because our apartment is just too suffocatingly small (though impeccably decorated).
I finished my first year of grad school wednesday friends. It probably doesn't sound like a big deal, but I'm so proud of myself. Meetings with a few of my professors reminded me of how much has changed since I entered the department of modern dance. My technique. Views on certain ideologies. My appearance (remember how I had a pixie cut last summer?).
I've changed.
You know though- everyone changes. I still would be a different person than I was last year regardless if I was dancing my rear off every day. I guess I'm just really happy to be where I am right now- my life is sorta awesome.
Summer is almost here friends.
I can't wait to put my sundresses and flip flops on and bask in its glory.
Happy Friday, Friends!

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