Sunday, July 17, 2011

Hiding with Kanyon.

While we were in Salmon for the 4th of July, we played a lot of outside games (as is major tradition in the tolman family). I've gotten a little passive in some of the games where there is a lot of running (after accidentally breaking Gid's little brother's nose 2 years ago... oops.), but it's still so fun to watch! One morning, Gideon's little nephew Kanyon grabbed my hand and declared that he wanted to play hide and seek with the rest of the cousins and he wanted to hide with me! I felt pretty honored. The only problem, is that when I actually do play these sorts of games, I take them rather seriously, especially hide and seek. I was a hiding master growing up. So I scooped Kanyon up, and found a phenomenal spot for us to hide in (one of many on the Tolman's property; it's more like a park than a yard).

And we waited. 
And we waited. 
And we waited some more. 
(I told you I took hide and seek seriously.)

After several minutes had gone by, Kanyon was starting to get restless. Since Gid was helping in the search for us, I didn't anticipate it taking so long, but there are soo many places to look during a game of hide and seek at the ranch. When about 10 minutes had gone by, Kanyon was just about ready to yell, "Hey YOU GUYS! We're right here!" Not wanting him to give us away, I grabbed my little camera (handy in my back pocket), and showed him how to take pictures of himself, and then look at it. 

...after a little while, he really got into it.

Then little Kanyon managed to take this picture:

Not too shabby, little man!

ps- we did end up having to give the boys a hint to where we were hiding. 
We would've been there forever otherwise.

Have a happy day, friends!

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