Thursday, March 24, 2016

our favorite ways to burn calories with CHOBANI. (video!)

okay, folks. we're going on a beach vacation in a few months, and i'm determined to get myself to a place where i feel good about wearing a swimsuit. i don't like making fitness goals that focus on numbers, so instead i'm looking at creative ways to stay active, and make healthy and realistic eating choices. (because as much as i would lovvvvvvve to hire an organic chef to cook for me, {and jillian michaels to train me} i can't afford it...)

teddy was eyeing my breakfast and i couldn't resist giving him a little taste. he's very proud of himself in this picture...

one of my worst habits is forgetting to eat until the mid to late afternoon. does anyone else do this? (pm me, and we'll cry together.) it's horrible, guys. skipping meals only make you eat more at a later time when your metabolism has slowed, and increase all sorts of scary risks. it's just really bad and i've done it habitually since i was in high school, despite having a mother who taught me nothing but healthy eating habits.

so here are two easy goals for me to strive towards for the next three months:

1- drink water first thing in the morning, and absolutely eat some sort of breakfast before 11:00 am.

2- commit 20 minutes a day to burning at least 100 calories. because goals form habits, and 100 calories seems like a super achievable amount of calories to get taken care of in a day. (rocking teddy alone should cover it, right?!)

one of the easiest breakfast options in our fridge is yogurt, and Chobani has introduced Simply 100 Crunch- made with their trademark greek yogurt and delicious toppings, all for 100 calories!
(ps- that last link has a downloadable coupon, sooooooo that's awesome...)

these are easy enough for even me to commit to for breakfast, ya'll.

and my goal to burn 100 calories a day?
Chobani gave us some easy ideas!

going for a light and easy walk with the stroller?
playing with teddy for 20 minutes??
having a dance party?!!

guys. i can do this. we can do this. who's in?
and bonus: a little video of us testing out some of our favorite ways to burn 100 calories.
please excuse my dance moves... (i'm putting that MFA in modern dance to good use, right??)

have a happy wednesday, guys.
thanks so much for stopping by!

this post brought to you by chobani.

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