Monday, August 13, 2012


So. My niece is darling. I'm crazy about her, and she could never do anything wrong as far as I'm concerned. She could scream at me all day, giving me nothing but poopy diapers and I'd still think she was perfect. I know I'm not objective. I realize that.

So someone tell me the truth on this: is it sort of amazing for a 16 month old to be singing the abcs/ counting to 20?


Counting to 20.
(she whispers 8 and 9, and gets mixed up around 16)

I almost forgot! While we were sitting in the pool, Mimi said a sentence (and she wasn't just repeating after us- she said it on her own)! What was the sentence you ask? "I love waden." (Waden is her word for water.) Naturally, I was trying to get her to say it the rest of the trip.

ps- melody is calling me at the very beginning because the women's gymnastics finals during the olympics was just starting.

So. I know mimi doesn't annunciate everything perfectly, but it's still pretty great, right?!

I might be wrong, but I don't think I started counting or singing till I was a lot older. Then again- I'm nothing super special when it comes to letters or numbers. (But if you need help finding a kate spade purse on sale or eating massive amounts of snow cones, I'm so your girl.)

I guess I'm just super in love with my favorite little girl, that's all...

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