So someone tell me the truth on this: is it sort of amazing for a 16 month old to be singing the abcs/ counting to 20?
Counting to 20.
(she whispers 8 and 9, and gets mixed up around 16)
I almost forgot! While we were sitting in the pool, Mimi said a sentence (and she wasn't just repeating after us- she said it on her own)! What was the sentence you ask? "I love waden." (Waden is her word for water.) Naturally, I was trying to get her to say it the rest of the trip.
ps- melody is calling me at the very beginning because the women's gymnastics finals during the olympics was just starting.
So. I know mimi doesn't annunciate everything perfectly, but it's still pretty great, right?!
I might be wrong, but I don't think I started counting or singing till I was a lot older. Then again- I'm nothing super special when it comes to letters or numbers. (But if you need help finding a kate spade purse on sale or eating massive amounts of snow cones, I'm so your girl.)
I guess I'm just super in love with my favorite little girl, that's all...

Well I'm super impressed!