Two giants of the workplace left their respective offices last week friends:
The first was michael scott of Dunder Mifflin/ Sabre.
The second was myself.
In preparation for my graduate school adventure, I left the office reception position that I've held for over a year. Before I got my acceptance letter, I imagined I'd be so happy to leave; not because it's a bad job- it's a great job- but because instead of worrying about work, I'd be looking forward to a new adventure. And at first, I was so excited to be moving on, but the closer and closer it got to my last day, the more bummed I got, and the more second thoughts came crawling into my head. Boise has been so kind to gid and I. We both have (I guess had) great jobs a spectacular ward, and my favorite apartment I've ever had for super cheap.
Today is the first day that I haven't been employed in a long time (not including my photography, which actually is fairly consistent), and I anticipated myself being depressed, feeling totally unproductive and worthless; eating ice cream and peeps in my underwear in front of a book, or worse internet TV. Although that wasn't too far from what really occurred, I'm pleased to announce that today has been nothing short of
Things that I've done today:
-skyped with my best friend in the world (highlight of my week)
-laundry which makes our house smell fresh and clean
-a bit of spring cleaning
-washed the dishes
-unloaded the dishwasher
-yoga & pilates with Jillian and Bob.
-listened to a few conference talks
-got dinner started.
-took out the trash.
-tried on my wedding dress just because (vintage stunning amazingness)
-edited over 300 images (about time)
-scheduled 2 more photoshoots
-talked on the phone with another friend as well as my mom and sister.
-fine tuned some travel plans for Texas next week.
-ate peeps and ice cream while in a bathrobe (better than just underwear, right??).
And it's only 3:30, Friends!!!!
There's no way I could have ever got so much done on a regular monday with my office responsibilities. I know I didn't earn a paycheck today, but I feel like I've gotten so much accomplished. More importantly, I'm feeling happier than I've felt in a long time. The reality of going to graduate school in a program I've been wanting to be a part of for years now is finally starting to set in, and I'm just so happy about it.
Thats all, friends. I wish you a lovely day.

wow so productive good job! where did you guys live when you lived in boise? drew and i just moved to boise and we are living on redwood court, parklane apartments. do you know which ones im talking about? i wonder how much you were paying.... and what fun things there are to do in boise! please share :)