So relieved that you are here.
When I was getting ready for my audition, I would just think to myself, "Soon, April will be here, and I will not have to be worried about my audition." Then, after my audition, I thought, "Soon April will be here and I will know whether I've been accepted or not." Now april, you're finally here. My audition is over, I have my acceptance letter, and you, in all your sunny glory, are here at long last. I hope to fill your days with eating fruit while wearing sunglasses. I look forward to putting my winter clothes into the beginning stages of hibernation by packing them away. I look forward to flip flops and maybe even a pedicure (a farewell to pretty toes since I'll begin my dancing in june and my feet will be atrocious in no time). I look forward to photoshoots. I look forward to your showers, and wearing my rainboots in them. More than anything, I look forward to enjoying this lovely city of trees for the next short weeks I have left. Thank you for the blossoms. Thank you for the wonderful conference we enjoyed.
April, this month you are my absolute favorite.
I'd like to apologize on behalf of the city of Boise for the lack of warm weather... it usually isn't like this. However, I still love it here. Break out the rain boots!