So. It's that time.
That time of year when the legislative session is just about to begin. The time of year when Gid has to look extra professional at work, and the politicians are buzzing around like little bees doing their little political buzzes. This last weekend Gid and I were able to take part in the events honoring Governor Otter and his re-election. Woot. And super lucky bonus: we got into all of the events for free!
So there was a concert by Jo Dee Mesina. I didn't think I knew who she was, (since I don't think of myself as very much of a country music fan) but then it turned out I knew most of her songs. Huh. It was actually super fun, and it turns out that Jo Dee is sort of really awesome and down to earth. Our tickets were in the VIP lounge (um--- that was a first) and we had a great view. It was gid's first concert, and he had such a stellar time, which was the most fun thing for me to watch. I've been able to meet Governor Otter a few times, but he surprised me at the concert by giving me a big hug and slapping my back with a ginormous smile. That guy has more personality than any other politician I know. And I mean that in the best way possible. Who would have thought when Gid and I moved to Boise that within a year we'd be rubbing shoulders with the Governor at a concert? Who knew?!
ANy-way, it was the events after the concert that were really snazzy. We were able to go to the inaugural ball, which was super fancy and glitzy. It was in the capitol building, and was full of glittering gowns, live music with dancing, and flowers everywhere. And the food!! Oh, the food! I spent more time snacking than I'm really comfortable admitting, but it was really tasty. Naturally, Gideon and I had to dance at least a few times, and we had a spectacular time. After the inaugural ball, there was another event; like the after-ball party. It was equally glitzy, but had more food (can I hear a hallelujah?) more dancing, and more people from gid's work which was fun.
The night's events made me think of last year when Gideon first started working in the capitol and we were invited to the Governor's ball (which is like a less intense version of the inaugural ball). I wore a little black dress and gid looked dashing in one of his suits. We spent most of the night volunteering in anyway that we could; giving people their name tags, or taking people's coats. You know- that sort of stuff.
This year, we were like real attendees. It's a little bizarre. I feel like we're just babies pretending to be grown ups with real jobs, but then when I look at gid, I realize- he is the real deal. It's crazy. I'm still a crazy immature kid, but he's all grown up, and I'm so proud of him. I'm proud that he's doing so well right now, but I'm especially proud of the type of guy he is.
Before Gideon got his internship that turned into a job, that turned into another job, he sold board games at a kiosk in the mall for a few months. It wasn't glamorous, and the pay and hours weren't great, but he did it enthusiastically and gratefully. And now he has a job with black tie events. It's bizarre, right? I'm so grateful for a husband who is willing to do whatever it takes to be such a good support.
And then there's me working at the chiropractic clinic. The most exciting thing that's happened since I've worked there (for almost a year) is that we got new phones. I'm not gonna lie- the phones are kind of amazing. I have my personal ring set as the ring of the phones on "24". I get all excited anytime anyone calls my line. My job may not have events where I need a ball gown (...yet), but I'm so completely grateful for it. I have a great boss, co-workers who I more than get along with, and financial stability that can be uncommon in the economy. I don't know how we ended up so stinking lucky here, but I'm so grateful for everything.
Anyway, I didn't mean for this post to turn into something extravagant or overdone. Just wanted to send a little message out into the great abyss of the internet saying that I'm so blessed. And so grateful. And that is all.
Night, friends.
ps- what do you guys think of the new header at the top of the blog?
I created a combination of the two that I liked the most, but I'm starting to think about changing it again.
Um, what does Gideon DO?
ReplyDeleteAnd you look slammin' by the way.
And I like your new header- but I really really like the photo's on the side. Cute!
Alyssa, You look fantastic!
ReplyDeleteGideon, Alyssa looks fantastic, I mean, she's right you all grown up!
Love you guys! I hope you know you deserve every good thing that comes your way! PS I am looking forward to March too now that I'm not in Rexburg and that means it might be warmer then...