Got the correct definition? I'm glad we talked about this.

There are some people in our lives who we build close relationships with: family (obviously), and dear friends. I have a best friend in Canada who is a gorgeous 5' 11'' blonde. Definitely not related to the 5' 4'' brunette from America, but she is as good as family. There are a few girls who I danced with on company who I consider to be practically family. It hurts when strangers are rude or offensive. It's easy to become outraged when a moron cuts you off on the road. I think it is a little more painful when people we are familiar with are inconsiderate. But I think it hurts the most when close family or dear friends betray the trust that takes years to develop. And I think it hurts even more when they take advantage time and time again, because they've gotten used to taking advantage time and time again.
When "the incident" happened, I was so upset I was shaking. Hot angry tears flowed, and I was so so so angry. What upset me the most was the relationship that I felt had been severed. It bothered me so much, that I dedicated study to it, and found the most wonderful talk by Bishop H. Burke Peterson.
"It was a senseless sacrifice, this price of revenge.
How much better it would have been if, after the young
woman had been bitten, there had been an extraction of
the venom from the leg in a process known
to all desert dwellers."
What do we do when we have been attacked, or offended? What can we do, really? Peterson tells us "the sure way, the right way is to look inward and immediately start the cleansing process. The wise and the happy person removes first the impurities from within. The longer the poison of resentment and unforgiveness stays in a body, the greater and longer lasting is its destructive effect...
The poison of revenge, or of unforgiving thoughts or attitudes,
unless removed, will destroy the soul in which it is harbored. "
Later on in the talk, we learn about Him who forgave all; the greatest example of forgiveness. And as my perspective grew larger and larger, I found no irritating grudginess looming about me. I just felt grateful for the blessings that I had.
Grateful for a family that loves me, grateful for my friends who are the best ever.
Grateful for a husband who is the most wonderful thing in the world.
And grateful for the learning experience of "the incident" that I grew so much from.
I don't know if I've made any sense at all.
This may have been the longest, most sporadic post ever.
This may have been the longest, most sporadic post ever.
But I felt like I needed to write about it, so I did.
Like I said early on, I do tend to blubber.
But I know that when we focus on healing the wound rather than seeking revenge on the attacker, we will find infinitely more happiness and growth.
Happy Sunday to Everyone.
I love it! I have definitely learned the same exact lesson recently! Thanks for sharing what you've learned! :D
ReplyDeleteGot to let it go. Right on.
ReplyDeleteI loved the blubbering. I loved this. I needed this.
ReplyDeleteP.s. I wrote a post and linked it to your blog because I loved this so much.