hi. it feels like i haven't been on here in weeks. oh wait.

let me catch you up-
-our house isn't finished.
-we moved in anyway.
-the laptop died. (angry.)
-i still haven't unpacked.
-thanksgiving happened.
-we got a tree.
-it snowed.
-i'm done teaching for the semester.
-i still have more gray hair than seems fair for someone of my age and girlish charm.
thank you for still checking in on me, guys. thank you for understanding that moving takes over your life, and things fall through the cracks. thank you for bringing me lunch, sending me packages, buying me flowers, and lending me things that i still haven't returned. (i am the worst, libby- i'm so sorry.) thank you for being there for me.
it still makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit that i have a blog, but it's connected me to some of the best friends ever. i'll be posting real things soon, if you care. and if you don't, thanks for stopping by anyway. happy friday.
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