(that's "question" with my russian accent)
I've been thinking alot about fashion lately, friends. Not just about what is in fashion, but what makes fashion. What is it? And why do we care so much? I mean- it's just clothes- they just cover our bodies, keep us warm, keep our feet dry. Why all the fuss?
I feel like I've had my fair share of ups and downs when it comes to fashion & style. I didn't really care about what I wore from age 5-18. I was a gymnast- as long as I had (sometimes) clean leotards and sweats I was fine. Then I went to college. I made a vague effort. Nicer jeans. Beloved t-shirts. Not much had changed; I was still super active. I liked shopping, but was more excited about finding a cheap deal than I was about finding something that I appreciated stylistically.
I'd switched from being a gymnast to being a dancer, so really I just replaced my grips for pink tights. Maybe I'd wear a cute sweater every now and then. I didn't wear my tennis shoes with every outfit. But like I said- not much had changed. I moved to california for a summer internship working with marketing. That cleaned me up quite a bit. I developed an adoration of shopping. All of a sudden I was willing to pay for quality- and I didn't care about cheap deals unless it meant I adored whatever it was I was purchasing.
I went through a phase during the end of college/beginning of my marriage when I became really interested with only certain retailers. I wasn't trying to be a snob. I was trying to be selective. I wanted to look professional and stylish at work.
Then I went through a (short lived) period where I just stayed away from shopping. It seemed to stress me out- so I thought I'd do myself a favor and not remind myself of what I didn't have.
Now I'm in this weird phase where I like to online sneak peek at things that I would never ever ever be able or willing to pay for. I've started looking at fashion blogs with goorgeous women who wear brands that are unbelievably expensive.
Friends. Who pays hundreds of dollars for scarves?
I don't. I don't think anyone who reads this does either.
(Virtual high five.)
After pondering where these strange habits have come from, I've concluded its because I'm back to wearing tights and (sometimes) clean leotards. Something about going through loads of tights literally as much as I do underwear makes me feel for some reason the need to research how one is technically fashionable.
So here's my question for you, dear readers:
(should you be brave enough to answer)
How do you find fashion?
And how to you make it yours?
Happy almost friday, friends.

Wow, I hope someone has a good answer to those questions. If I can find something that fits my 6ft frame and doesn't break the bank I am thrilled, in fact I usually buy one in every color. true story.