Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Him & Me While In D.C.

Hi, friends! It's been a while, I've been inactive on my blog again. Thanks for still reading. The past few days, Gid and I have been in Washington D.C. It was my first visit to our nation's capitol, and we had such a wonderful experience. I think Gideon fits right in, don't you? Yeah. He does. 

I know I talk alot about other countries, and how traveling and culture is one of the things I'm most passionate about. I do love to travel. 
And I love learning about and embracing other countries' traditions and histories.

But there's nothing quite like the United States of America.

(can you feel the patriotism?)

 Here's a bit of a break down of our east coast adventure:

- rides on the metro: 10
- milkshakes consumed: 4 (two each...)

- national monuments visited: 8
(Washington, WWII memorial, Lincoln, Jefferson, FDR, Capitol, White House, Arlington Cemetery)
-Miles of running through the pouring rain: 1
-wishes made on wishing tree: at least 6

-pictures taken 233
-museums visited: 5
(smithsonian american history, smithsonian headquarters, botanical gardens, holocaust memorial, sculpture gardens)
-WGA Meetings Attended: 3
-crappy souvenir shops visited: at least 4
-t shirts/sweatshirts purchased: 3
-visits to the HardRock Cafe: 1

-kisses: ...lost track.

All in all, I'd say it was a pretty phenomenal weekend.

Happy Thursday, Friends.



  1. I'm super impressed at all the fun stuff you guys packed in to your vacation. Glad you had a great time!! And I love your hair btw!

  2. YAY. Alyssa, sounds like you and gid had an amazing time! MUAh
