Oh. And I really had to use the washroom.
But, since being on time was more important to me than the general comfort of my bladder, I just sat in class, learning about religion, and trying really hard not to think about the sound of dripping water. I'd hoped to leave a teensy bit earlier than usual so I could run to the bathroom (keep in mind that it takes dancers a little longer to pee, since they have to take off all the layers: coat, top, tank top, pants, leotard, tights; and then you have to put them all back on), but I ended up losing track of time, and before I knew it, I had to make the difficult choice between being late to ballet, or being supremely uncomfortable throughout the entire class.
It was almost like I didn't even have to think about it.
I rushed to ballet.
Logic screamed to me, "Alyssa! How do you expect to dance on a full bladder? How do you expect to be able to gracefully twirl around a room? How do you expect to suck in your lower abdomen, and point your toes?" I ignored the voice, and inwardly replied, "Don't worry about it, conscience. It'll be a little rough, but I'll manage to get through without having to interrupt the class by being tardy." Then the little voice in my head made a statement that made me wince a little, "Good luck during your jumping combination, then."
I thought to myself, "Yeow. That won't be fun at all."
But it was too late. I had already stepped into class, and was now taking off my "normal person" clothing, revealing the ballerina hiding underneath. I sort of feel like a super hero when I de-layer.

I should never disregard the little voice in my head.
Especially on advice regarding the need to use the little girl's room.
Somehow I got through it, but you can bet your boots I was the first one out of the class, and into a stall.
It was a close call. And I mean close.
I guess I learned two lessons:
1- Be prepared. (ahem, get ready for class early enough to use the bathroom should an unexpected emergency occur)
2- Listen to the still small voice.
Over and out.
This post made me smile the whole time. :)